We have no puppies at this time.
Our last litter was born 4/13/2015
They have all gone to their wonderful new homes.
If interested in a Charmed puppy, email or call
[email protected] 1-586-883-5604
Please only kind loving family's that have the time to commit to the physical and mental needs of a Border Collie, for your puppies entire life.
Our last litter was born 4/13/2015
They have all gone to their wonderful new homes.
If interested in a Charmed puppy, email or call
[email protected] 1-586-883-5604
Please only kind loving family's that have the time to commit to the physical and mental needs of a Border Collie, for your puppies entire life.
YAY! Ella had puppies,
She had 3 beautiful girls and 2 handsome boys
They were born Saturday
September 7 Th 2013
See our puppy page
We put our heart into every litter and enjoy getting to know every new Potential
puppy mom and dad. We are there for you to menter, to help and to cheer for all
you and your new puppies accomplishments, no matter how big or small.
If you live near we offer you free puppie classes for your Charmed puppy.
Classes are held here at Gentle touch canine training.
Our dogs are AKC registered and if not clear by parentage we test for CEA/CH
CL and TNS also MDR1.
Puppy Raising Protocol
We put a lot of love, time and effort into our puppy raising, and love every minute.
puppy mom and dad. We are there for you to menter, to help and to cheer for all
you and your new puppies accomplishments, no matter how big or small.
If you live near we offer you free puppie classes for your Charmed puppy.
Classes are held here at Gentle touch canine training.
Our dogs are AKC registered and if not clear by parentage we test for CEA/CH
CL and TNS also MDR1.
Puppy Raising Protocol
We put a lot of love, time and effort into our puppy raising, and love every minute.